
The aim of our research is to solve practical problems with the tools of economics. For this, quantitative, analytical, simulative, experimental and design oriented methods are used.

  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Assistance Systems
  • Privacy and Trust
  • Information diffusion
  • Social Networks and Social Contagion
  • E-Finance
  • E-Commerce esp. recommendation systems
  • Online pricing esp. auctions and negotiations
  • Business Value of IT
  • Social Media
  • Economics of Security and Privacy
  • The Car and the Internet (Applications, Business Models, Adoption Behavior)
Selected Publications

von Zahn, Moritz / Bauer, Kevin / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Jagow, Johanna / Speicher, Maximilian / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "Smart Green Nudging: Reducing Product Returns through Digital Footprints and Causal Machine Learning", Marketing Science, forthcoming.

Gnewuch, Ulrich / Morana, Stefan / Hinz, Oliver / Kellner, Ralf / Mädche, Alexander (2023): "More than a Bot? The Impact of Disclosing Human Involvement on Customer Interactions with Hybrid Service Agents", Information Systems Research, conditionally accepted.

Bauer, Kevin / von Zahn, Moritz / Hinz, Oliver (2023): "Expl(AI)ned: The Impact of Explainable Artificial Intelligence on Users’ Information Processing", Information Systems Research 34(4), 1582-1602. [View]

Abdel-Karim, Benjamin M. / Pfeuffer, Nicolas / Carl, K. Valerie / Hinz, Oliver (2023): "How AI-Based Systems Can Induce Reflections: The Case of AI-Augmented Diagnostic Work", Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), 47(4), 1395-1424.

Li, Xitong / Grahl, Joern / Hinz, Oliver (2022): "How Do Recommender Systems Lead to Consumer Purchases? A Causal Mediation Analysis of a Field Experiment", Information Systems Research, 33(2), 620-637.
