The ForeSight consortium project aims to develop an open platform for context-sensitive, intelligent and predictive services in the field of Smart Living. A consortium of various partners from industry and research is involved in the project, which is funded by the BMWi. At Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Maximilian Lowin and Tobias Kohl are contributing to the project. Smart Living comprises different areas, some of which are still completely separate today. In the future, these areas are to interact in cross-domain, intelligent applications through the digitalization of buildings and infrastructure and through artificial intelligence (AI).
Intelligent building technology and smart living applications aim to improve the quality of life, safety and energy efficiency. This requires close cooperation between the housing and electrical industries, and a rethinking from today's building-centred view to intelligent buildings, which, embedded in a larger service infrastructure, can react adaptively to situations and act on the basis of high-quality and reliable data.
Smart Living will thus become a decisive market of the future, combining Smart Healthcare, Smart City and Smart Mobility. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will play a key role in this process. ForeSight will evaluate the suitability of various approaches to artificial intelligence and then offer these prototypically in the form of basic services and usable modules in a protected compute environment. ForeSight will also offer a suitable governance structure with workshop formats via the platform to give participating companies and partners the opportunity to develop the required competencies. Iterative improvements will lead to a high level of sustainability in the long term and thus support companies in the development of targeted intelligent smart living applications.
Learn more about FORESIGHT [https://foresight-plattform.de/]