Since January 2024, Dr Nora Jansen has been a ‘ZEVEDI Young Investigator’. As part of this fellowship, Nora investigates the regulation of disinformation. Thereby, she follows up on her work at Cardiff University (2020-2023) where she did her research very practically oriented and gathered valuable experiences in the analysis of mis- and disinformation. In total, Nora wrote over 50 confidential policy reports for governmental agencies based on analysis results in terms of the dissemination of mis- and disinformation, e.g. during the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Election 2020, and the German Election 2021. This also included the consulting of governments, such as the German Government in terms of disinformation campaigns during the German Election 2021.
Apart from being a ‘Young Investigator’, Nora is also part of the ZEVEDI project group ‘Big Data and AI in German Security Authorities (KISib)’ and took part in the ZEVEDI project group ‘Digitisation of Corporate Communications (DigUKom)’ in 2023.
For over a decade, Nora has also concentrated on evidence-based policing and has already been working together with South Wales Police, the German Federal Criminal Police Office, the Hessian University for Public Management and Security (formerly known as the Hessian Police Academy), and the Police Headquarters Südhessen.
In her dissertation, Nora focused on the diffusion of information and dealt with the real-time detection of buzzes (e.g., online firestorms and lovestorms), in particular. During her time as a PhD student, Nora spent a research year at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and together with her Australian colleagues, she investigated reaction strategies to online firestorms.
Nora did her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in 'Management of Information Systems' at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. During her Master’s degree, she studied at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne for one year.