by FT Top 50

Hanneke, Björn / Heß, Marius / Hinz, Oliver (forthcoming): "Foundations of Decentralized Metaverse Economies: Converging Physical and Virtual Realities", Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS).

Gnewuch, Ulrich / Morana, Stefan / Hinz, Oliver / Kellner, Ralf / Mädche, Alexander (2023): "More than a Bot? The Impact of Disclosing Human Involvement on Customer Interactions with Hybrid Service Agents", Information Systems Research, conditionally accepted.

Abdel-Karim, Benjamin M. / Pfeuffer, Nicolas / Carl, K. Valerie / Hinz, Oliver (2023): "How AI-Based Systems Can Induce Reflections: The Case of AI-Augmented Diagnostic Work", Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), 47(4), 1395-1424.

Li, Xitong / Grahl, Joern / Hinz, Oliver (2022): "How Do Recommender Systems Lead to Consumer Purchases? A Causal Mediation Analysis of a Field Experiment", Information Systems Research, 33(2), 620-637.

Weiler, Michael / Stolz, Simon / Lanz, Andreas / Schlereth, Christian / Hinz, Oliver (2022): "Social Capital Accumulation Through Social Media Networks: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment and Individual-Level Panel Data", Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), 46(2), 771-812.

Hinz, Oliver / Hill, Shawndra / Sharma, Amit (2022): "Second Screening – The Influence of Concurrent TV Consumption on Online Shopping Behavior", Information Systems Research, 33 (3), 809-823.

Hinz, Oliver / Otter, Thomas / Skiera, Bernd (2020): "Estimating Network Effects in Two-Sided Markets", Journal of Management Information Systems, 37 (1), 12-38.

Heimbach, Irina / Hinz, Oliver (2018): "The impact of sharing mechanism design on content sharing in online social networks", Information Systems Research, 29(3), 592-611.

Hinz, Oliver / Hill, Shawndra / Kim, Ju-Young (2016): "TV's Dirty Little Secret: The Negative Effect of Popular TV on Online Auction Sales", Management Information Systems Quarterly, 40 (3), 623-644.

Hinz, Oliver / Spann, Martin / Hann, Il-Horn (2015): "Can't buy me love... or can I? Social capital attainment through conspicuous consumption in virtual environments", Information Systems Research, 26 (4), 859-870.

Hinz, Oliver / Eckert, Jochen / Bernd Skiera (2013): "Drivers of the Long Tail Phenomenon: An Empirical Analysis", Celebrating 30 Years of the Journal of Management Information Systems - Virtual Special Issue, Journal of Management Information Systems. [Download]

Hinz, Oliver / Hann, Il-Horn / Spann, Martin (2011): "Price Discrimination in E-Commerce? An Examination of Dynamic Pricing in Name-Your-Own-Price Markets", Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), 35 (1), 81-98. [Download] (VHB Best Paper Award 2011, Finalist)

Hinz, Oliver / Skiera, Bernd / Barrot, Christian / Becker, Jan (2011): "Seeding Strategies for Viral Marketing: An Empirical Comparison", Journal of Marketing, 75 (6), 55-71. [Download] (Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award 2011, Finalist)

Hinz, Oliver / Eckert, Jochen / Bernd Skiera (2011): "Drivers of the Long Tail Phenomenon: An Empirical Analysis", Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 27 (4), 43-69. [Download]

Hinz, Oliver / Spann, Martin (2008): "The Impact of Information Diffusion on Bidding Behavior in Secret Reserve Price Auctions", Information Systems Research, 19 (3), 351-368. [Link]
