Bachelor module "Business Informatics 2" 2022
Based on the lecture "Wirtschaftsinformatik 1" (OWIN) this course teaches the basics of information and communication systems (ICT systems) and deals with their development and introduction into companies. The course can be roughly divided into the following four parts:
- In the first part, the meaning and characteristics of ICT systems in companies are recapitulated and a short introduction to company modelling is given.
- The second part goes into more detail and is dedicated to the architecture and functionality of ICT systems. IS architectures and corresponding IS models are discussed. In the further course the term of the Data Mining is introduced. In this context, the concept of artificial intelligence and machine learning will also be taught using examples and algorithms.
- In this part, current research results and developments in the field of IS research are presented and competences in project management are imparted.
- The fourth part addresses the development of information and communication systems and first explains various concepts for the management of IT projects. Afterwards procedure models for the software development are presented. Since the modelling of ICT systems represents an integral component of such procedure models, likewise different modelling approaches (e.g. for object- and data-oriented modelling) are obtained. The Structured Query Language (SQL) is treated as an exemplary language for model implementation. A focus in this part is the transfer of the acquired knowledge into executable Python code.