Moyun Chen

M. Sc. Business Administration


Moyun Chen completed her master's degree in business administration (public and non-profit management) at the University of Freiburg in August 2022, with her master's thesis on "To share or not to share? A meta-analysis of the antecedents of sharing platform usage intention". Previously, she completed her bachelor's degree in business administration and master's degree in accounting and financial management at the FOM University of Economics and Management in Essen.

She gained practical experience in the field of consulting and start-ups.

Since 2023, Moyun Chen has been a doctoral student at the chair of Information Systems and Information Management of Prof. Dr. Oliver Hinz at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Core Areas
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • AI-based E-Commerce Platforms
  • AI-based Live-Streaming Platforms
  • Digital Marketing

Rossmannek, O. / Chen, M. / (2023): "Why people use the sharing economy: A meta-analysis", Journal of Cleaner Production.
