Katharina Keller studied Business Administration and Computer Science at the Goethe University Frankfurt (M.Sc.). Before, she obtained a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and Economics with the major Marketing/Management (B.Sc.). She spent a semester abroad at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics during her bachelor studies. In June of 2017 she finished university with a Master degree. She wrote her master thesis about “Technology Choice Behavior in Post-Adoption IS Usage”.
From July 2017 until June 2023, Katharina Keller was part of the research team of the professorship of Prof. Dr. Oliver Hinz. Initially at the Chair of Information Systems | Electronic Markets at TU Darmstadt and since September 2017 at the Chair of Information Systems and Information Management at Goethe University. In March 2022, she completed her doctorate at Goethe University with the academic title Dr. rer. pol. Her doctoral thesis "Innovations in the Future Internet of Things" considers user preferences and their implications for innovations in the future Internet of Things. Furthermore, the thesis shows how these innovations can be appropriately translated and represented in discrete choice experiments. Furthermore, Dr. Keller investigates how user preferences change over time and how longitudinal discrete choice experiments can be conducted.
She was part of the Collaborative Research Center 1053 MAKI (Multi-Mechanism Adaptation for the Future Internet), which addresses questions about the future Internet and its impact on communication behavior. SFB 1053 is also looking at mechanisms in communication systems and the resulting infrastructure requirements. Specifically, Katharina Keller was involved in subproject B3, which investigates transitions in communication systems from an economic perspective and creates decentralized analysis and planning solutions for autonomous terminals. The goal is an efficient and realistic applicability of proactive transitions for coexisting multi-mechanisms in wireless networks of software-defined autonomous nodes.
She has also worked in other collaborations, e.g., with Prof. Dr. Christian Schlereth (Chair of Digital Marketing, WHU) and with Bosch GmbH.