Rebecca Heigl

M.Sc. Management


Raum: 2.237

About the person

Rebecca Heigl studied business sciences at Goethe University in Frankfurt and spent a semester abroad in England at the University of Southampton. In her bachelor's thesis, she used field and laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of advertising labels in social media on consumer behavior.
In March 2022, she completed her master's degree in management at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. She wrote her master's thesis on the "Analysis of Blockchain Applications in the Automotive Industry within the Technology-organization-environment Framework".

Prior to her studies, she founded her own company in the accessories sector, operating mainly through online platforms, which allowed her to gain practical experience in the e-commerce environment. Parallel to her studies, she was also able to gain insights in in-house consulting, business development as well as strategy development in various corporations.

Since April 2022, Rebecca is a research assistant at the Chair of Information Systems and Information Management of Prof. Dr. Oliver Hinz and is part of the DFG Graduate Programme 2050 Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users.

  • Potential of blockchain-based applications
  • Social networks
  • User preferences and adoption of innovative technologies
  • Artificial intelligence management

Weber, Patrick / Heigl, Rebecca Maria / Baum, Lorenz (2024): “Understanding (X)AI in Healthcare: Patients’ Perspective on Global and Local Explanations”, Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2024, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Best Complete Paper in Track. [Download]

Heigl, Rebecca Maria / Weber, Patrick / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "The TikTok Equation: How Congruence Drives Influencer Marketing Success – A Mixed-Methods Study", European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024, Paphos, Cyprus. [Download]

Bauer, Kevin / Heigl, Rebecca / Hinz, Oliver / Kosfeld, Michael (2023): "Feedback Loops in Machine Learning: A Study on the Interplay of Continuous Updating and Human Discrimination", Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS), 25(4), 804-866.

Heigl, Rebecca / Pethig, Florian / Bauer, Kevin (2023): "Reading Between the Lines: "Exploring Differences in Opinion Formation After Reading AI-Generated News", Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS).

Zielonka, Julia Theresia / Heigl, Rebecca Maria / Rothlauf, Franz (2022): "From Block to TOE: Analyzing Opportunities of Blockchain Technologies in the Automotive Industry", ICIS 2022 Proceedings. 13.

Zielonka, Julia Theresia / Heigl, Rebecca Maria / Rothlauf, Franz (2022): "Technostress Revisited at Work-From-Home: The Impact of Technostress Creators on the Perception of Eustress Moderated by Work-Home-Conflict and Job Satisfaction", AMCIS 2022 Proceedings. 7.
