Lowin, Maximilian / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina(2024): "Economic Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Model Services", Pre-ICIS SIG Services Workshop on Synergizing Service Ecosystems with AI, Bangkok, Thailand 2024, forthcoming.
Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Cordes, Anjana / Lowin, Maximilian (2024): "Synthetic Data Generation for Predictive Maintenance Services", Pre-ICIS SIG Services Workshop on Synergizing Service Ecosystems with AI, Bangkok, Thailand 2024, forthcoming.
Lowin, Maximilian / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina (2024): "Functional Requirements and Recommendations for AI-based Sustainable Energy Solutions", INFORMATIK 2024, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, S. 1705-1716 [View].
Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Lowin, Maximilian (2024): "A Guide for Trustworthy AI implementations in the Smart Living Domain", INFORMATIK 2024, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, S. 1759-1770 [View].
Kohl, Tobias / Lowin, Maximilian (2024): "Privacy by Design: Data-Saving Activity Estimation Using Room-Based Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring for Ambient Assisted Living", 1626, Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2024, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Lowin, Maximilian (2024): "A Text-based Predictive Maintenance Approach for Facility Management Requests Utilizing Association Rule Mining and Large Language Models", Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6(1) [View].
Chen, Johannes / Lowin, Maximilian / Kellner, Domenic / Hinz, Oliver / Adam, Elisabeth Hannah / Ippolito, Angelo / Wenger-Alakmeh, Katharina (2023): "Designing Expert-augmented Clinical Decision Support Systems to predict Mortality Risk in ICUs", KI - Künstliche Intelligenz (2023) [View].
Kortum, Henrik / Hagen, Simon / Eleks, Marian / Rebstadt, Jonas / Remark, Florian / Lowin, Maximilian / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Eberhardt, Birgid / Roß, Andree / Maihöfner, Dominik / Hinz, Oliver / Thomas, Oliver (2023): "SECAI – Sustainable heating through Edge-Cloud-based AI systems", HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 60, S. 850-871 [View].
Kellner, Domenic / Lowin, Maximilian / Hinz, Oliver (2023): "Improved Healthcare Disaster Decision-Making Utilizing Information Extraction from Complementary Social Media Data during the COVID-19 Pandemic", Decision Support Systems (172), 113983 [View].
Hinz, Oliver / Lowin, Maximilian / Oz, Dana / Reichman, Shachar / Somech, Iris / von Zahn, Moritz (2023): "An Experimental Analysis of Profit Maximizing Recommendation Systems", Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE) 2023.
Hinz, Oliver / Lowin, Maximilian / Oz, Dana / Reichman, Shachar / Somech, Iris / von Zahn, Moritz (2023): "Incorporating Large Language Models into Product Recommender Systems", Workshop on Intelligent Agents and their Interplay within Service at ICIS 2023.
Hinz, Oliver / Lowin, Maximilian / Reichman, Shachar / von Zahn, Moritz (2022): "An Experimental Analysis of Profit Maximizing Recommendation Systems", Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE@MIT) 2022.
Lowin, Maximilian / Seip, Jendrik (2022): "AI-based Online Vacancies - Trends and Differences between SMEs and Larger Enterprises", INFORMATIK 2022, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, S. 247-258, dl.gi.de/items/b98ab7d3-dd55-456c-89cd-4e16d5952018.
Lowin, Maximilian / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina (2021): "Towards Predictive Maintenance as a Service in the Smart Housing Industry", INFORMATIK 2021, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, S. 1093-1106, dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/37758.
Lowin, Maximilian / Kellner, Domenic / Kohl, Tobias / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina (2021): "From Physical to Virtual: Leveraging Drone Imagery to Automate Photovoltaic System Maintenance", INFORMATIK 2021, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, S. 1201-1211, dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/37769.
Kellner, Domenic / Lowin, Maximilian / von Zahn, Moritz / Chen, Johannes (2021): "Towards Designing a User-centric Decision Support System for Predictive Maintenance in SMEs", INFORMATIK 2021, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, S. 1255-1260. [View]
Lowin, Maximilian / Kellner, Domenic (2021): "From Twitter to COVID-19: Using NLP to Predict COVID-19 Infections", Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2021), aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2021/147
Kellner, Domenic / Lowin, Maximilian / Hinz, Oliver (2021): "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employee Satisfaction ", Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2021), aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2021/18
Hinz, Oliver / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Lowin, Maximilian (2020): "Smart Living: Der Mensch im Zentrum", Forschung Frankfurt, 37 (1.2020), 78-82.