Witzki, Aaron / Carl, K. Valerie / Hinz, Oliver (2025):"Strategische Entscheidungsprozesse in digitalen Startups: Strukturierung von Kriterien für den Beitritt zu einem digitalen Ökosystem", HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, forthcoming.
Carl, K. Valerie (2024): "Wo kann man mit digitaler Verantwortung beginnen und ist sie sogar messbar?", in Brink, Alexander (Hrsg.): Corporate Digital Responsibility: Menschenzentrierte Digitalisierung, p. 79-96, Nomos. doi.org/10.5771/9783748949886 [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Zibuschka, Jan / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "A Consumer Perspective on Corporate Digital Responsibility: An Empirical Evaluation of Consumer Preferences", Journal of Business Economics (JBEC), 94, pp. 979-1024. doi.org/10.1007/s11573-023-01142-y [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Brîncoveanu, Constantin / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "How to Promote the Spread of Data-Driven Business Models by Involving all Relevant Stakeholders? The Case of the Pay-Per-Stress Model", INFORMATIK 2024, Wiesbaden, Germany. dx.doi.org/10.18420/inf2024_157 [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Hauer, Marc / Arnold, Thomas (2024): "Are We Still on Track with Our Responsibility Strategy? Introducing an Internal Assessment of Corporate Digital Responsibility Engagement", INFORMATIK 2024, Wiesbaden, Germany. doi.org/10.18420/inf2024_137 [Download]
Brîncoveanu, Constantin / Carl, K. Valerie / Binz, Simon / Weiher, Moritz-Andre / Thomas, Oliver / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "Artificial Intelligence-Based Assistance Systems for Environmental Sustainability in Smart Homes. A Systematic Literature Review on Requirements and Future Directions", INFORMATIK 2024, Wiesbaden, Germany. dx.doi.org/10.18420/inf2024_103 [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Arnold, Thomas / Medzhybovska, Nataliia / Gurevych, Iryna / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "Wie können Corporate-Digital-Responsibility-Aktivitäten gemessen werden? Ein Ansatz mit Hilfe eines automatisierten Tools", transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 70(2), 46-51. [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "What We Already Know About Corporate Digital Responsibility in IS Research: A Review and Conceptualization of Potential CDR Activities", Electronic Markets, 34(27). doi.org/10.1007/s12525-024-00708-0 [Download]
Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Carl, K. Valerie (2024): "Designing Incentive Systems for Participation in Digital Ecosystems: An Integrated Framework", Electronic Markets, forthcoming. doi.org/10.1007/s12525-024-00703-5 [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Kubach, Michael / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina (2023): "The Motivation of Companies to Implement Corporate Digital Responsibility Activities Voluntarily: An Empirical Assessment", WI2023, Paderborn, Germany. [Download]
Weber, Patrick / Carl, K. Valerie / Hinz, Oliver (2024): "Applications of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Finance – A Systematic Review of Finance, Information Systems, and Computer Science Literature", Management Review Quarterly (MRQ), 74, 867-907. doi.org/10.1007/s11301-023-00320-0 [Download]
Abdel-Karim, Benjamin M. / Pfeuffer, Nicolas / Carl, K. Valerie / Hinz, Oliver (2023): "How AI-Based Systems Can Induce Reflections: The Case of AI-Augmented Diagnostic Work", Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), 47(4), 1395-1424. doi.org/10.25300/MISQ/2022/16773
Carl, K. Valerie (2022): "The status-quo of companies' data privacy and security communication: An ethical evaluation and future paths", INFORMATIK 2022, Hamburg, Germany. doi.org/10.18420/inf2022_18 [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Zilcher, Timothy Markus Christian / Hinz, Oliver (2022): "Corporate Digital Responsibility and the current Corporate Social Responsibility standard: An analysis of applicability", Open Identity Summit 2022 (OID2022), Copenhagen, Denmark. doi.org/10.18420/OID2022_06 [Download]
Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Carl, K. Valerie (2022): "Drivers of Adoption of Contact Tracing Mobile Applications", European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2022, Timisoara, Romania. [Download]
Mihale-Wilson, Cristina / Zibuschka, Jan / Carl, Valerie / Hinz, Oliver (2021): "Corporate Digital Responsibility – Extended Conceptualization and a Guide to Implementation", European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2021, Marrakech, Morocco. [Download]
Carl, K. Valerie / Mihale-Wilson, Cristina (2020): " Consumer Privacy Concerns and Preferences for Certification and Accreditation of Intelligent Assistants in the Internet of Things", Open Identity Summit 2020 (OID2020), Copenhagen, Denmark. doi.org/10.18420/ois2020_13 [Download]
Keller, Katharina / Carl, Kim Valerie / Jöntgen, Hendrik / Abdel-Karim, Benjamin M. / Mühlhäuser, Max / Hinz, Oliver (2019): "K.I.T.T., where are you?" - Why Smart Assistance Systems in Cars enrich People's Lives", International Workshop on Ubiquitous Personal Assistance (UPA 2019 at UbiComp 2019) (Best Paper Award). doi.org/10.1145/3341162.3350844